हैश टेबल एक डेटा संरचना है जिसका उपयोग की-वैल्यू पेयर को स्टोर करने के लिए किया जाता है। हैश फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग हैश तालिका द्वारा किसी इंडेक्स को एक सरणी में गणना करने के लिए किया जाता है जिसमें एक तत्व डाला या खोजा जाएगा।
यह सूची प्रमुखों के साथ हैश टेबल्स चेनिंग को लागू करने के लिए एक C++ प्रोग्राम है।
सम्मिलित करने के लिए:
Begin Declare function Insert(int k, int v) int hash_v = HashFunc(k) if (ht[hash_v] == NULL) ht[hash_v] = new ListHead(k, v) else ListHead *en = ht[hash_v] while (en->n != NULL) en = en->n if (en->k == k) en->v = v else en->n= new ListHead(k, v) End.
सीच ए की वैल्यू के लिए:
Begin Decla Function SearchKey(int k) int hash_v = HashFunc(k) if (ht[hash_v] == NULL) return -1 else ListHead *en = ht[hash_v] while (en != NULL and en->k != k) en= en->n if (en== NULL) return -1 else return en->v End
हटाने के लिए:
Begin Declare Function Remove(int k) int hash_v = HashFunc(k) if (ht[hash_v] != NULL) ListHead *en = ht[hash_v]; ListHead *p= NULL; while (en->n != NULL and en->k != k) p = en en = en->n if (en->k== k) if (p == NULL) ListHead *n= en->n delete en; ht[hash_v] = n else ListHead *n= en->n delete en p->n = n End.
उदाहरण कोड
#include <iostream> using namespace std; const int T_S = 20; class ListHead { public: int k, v; ListHead *n; ListHead(int k, int v) { this->k = k; this->v = v; this->n = NULL; } }; class HashMapTable { private: ListHead **ht; public: HashMapTable() { ht = new ListHead*[T_S]; for (int i = 0; i < T_S; i++) { ht[i] = NULL; } } int HashFunc(int k){ return k % T_S; } void Insert(int k, int v) { int hash_v = HashFunc(k); if (ht[hash_v] == NULL) ht[hash_v] = new ListHead(k, v); else { ListHead *en = ht[hash_v]; while (en->n != NULL) en = en->n; if (en->k == k) en->v = v; else en->n= new ListHead(k, v); } } int SearchKey(int k) { int hash_v = HashFunc(k); if (ht[hash_v] == NULL) return -1; else { ListHead *en = ht[hash_v]; while (en != NULL && en->k != k) en= en->n; if (en == NULL) return -1; else return en->v; } } void Remove(int k) { int hash_v = HashFunc(k); if (ht[hash_v] != NULL) { ListHead *en = ht[hash_v]; ListHead *p = NULL; while (en->n != NULL && en->k != k) { p = en; en = en->n; } if (en->k == k) { if (p == NULL) { ListHead *n= en->n; delete en; ht[hash_v] = n; } else { ListHead *n = en->n; delete en; p->n = n; } } } } ~HashMapTable() { delete[] ht; } } }; int main() { HashMapTable hash; int k, v; int c; while(1) { cout<<"1.Insert element into the table"<<endl; cout<<"2.Search element from the key"<<endl; cout<<"3.Delete element at a key"<<endl; cout<<"4.Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: cout<<"Enter element to be inserted: "; cin>>v; cout<<"Enter key at which element to be inserted: "; cin>>k; hash.Insert(k, v); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter key of the element to be searched: "; cin>>k; if (hash.SearchKey(k) == -1) cout<<"No element found at key "<<k<<endl; else { cout<<"Elements at key "<<k<<" : "; cout<<hash.SearchKey(k)<<endl; } break; case 3: cout<<"Enter key of the element to be deleted: "; cin>>k; if (hash.SearchKey(k) == -1) cout<<"Key "<<k<<" is empty"<<endl; else { hash.Remove(k); cout<<"Entry Removed"<<endl; } break; case 4: exit(1); default: cout<<"\nEnter correct option\n"; } } return 0; }
1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter element to be inserted: 1 Enter key at which element to be inserted: 2 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter element to be inserted: 10 Enter key at which element to be inserted: 1 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter element to be inserted: 7 Enter key at which element to be inserted: 6 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter element to be inserted: 12 Enter key at which element to be inserted: 4 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 30 Enter correct option 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter element to be inserted: 30 Enter key at which element to be inserted: 5 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 2 Enter key of the element to be searched: 6 Elements at key 6 : 7 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 3 Enter key of the element to be deleted: 1 Entry Removed 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 2 Enter key of the element to be searched: 6 Elements at key 6 : 7 1.Insert element into the table 2.Search element from the key 3.Delete element at a key 4.Exit Enter your choice: 4