पास किए गए स्थान को हटाकर नया पांडा इंडेक्स बनाने के लिए, index.delete() . का उपयोग करें विधि।
सबसे पहले, आवश्यक पुस्तकालयों को आयात करें -
import pandas as pd
अनुक्रमणिका बनाना -
index = pd.Index([15, 25, 35, 45, 55])
सूचकांक प्रदर्शित करें -
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
किसी एक इंडेक्स को तीसरे स्थान पर हटाना यानी इंडेक्स 2 -
print("\nRemaining Index after deleting an index at location 3rd (index 2)...\n",index.delete(2))
निम्नलिखित कोड है -
import pandas as pd # Creating the index index = pd.Index([15, 25, 35, 45, 55]) # Display the index print("Pandas Index...\n",index) # Return the number of elements in the Index print("\nNumber of elements in the index...\n",index.size) # Return a tuple of the shape of the underlying data print("\nA tuple of the shape of underlying data...\n",index.shape) # get the bytes in the data print("\nReturn the bytes...\n",index.nbytes) # get the dimensions of the data print("\nReturn the dimensions...\n",index.ndim) # deleting a single index at 3rd position i.e. index 2 print("\nRemaining Index after deleting an index at location 3rd (index 2)...\n",index.delete(2))
यह निम्नलिखित कोड उत्पन्न करेगा -
Pandas Index... Int64Index([15, 25, 35, 45, 55], dtype='int64') Number of elements in the index... 5 A tuple of the shape of underlying data... (5,) Return the bytes... 40 Return the dimensions... 1 Remaining Index after deleting an index at location 3rd (index 2)... Int64Index([15, 25, 45, 55], dtype='int64')