यह किसी बीजीय व्यंजक का न्यूनतम मान ज्ञात करने के लिए एक C++ प्रोग्राम है। (x1 + x2 + x3 +... + xa) * (y1 + y2 + ... + yb) और (a + b) के रूप का एक बीजीय व्यंजक ) पूर्णांक दिए गए हैं। एक संख्या और शेष बी संख्याओं के सभी संभावित संयोजनों पर विचार करें और उनके मूल्यों की गणना करें, जिससे न्यूनतम मूल्य प्राप्त किया जा सके।
Begin function MaxValue() : Arguments: a[] = array which store the elements. x,y = integers. Body of the function: 1) Find the sum of array elements. 2) Initialize s=0. 3) Make for loop i = 0 to (x + y)-1 Shift the integers by 25 so that they become positive. 4) Declare a boolean array p[i][j] that represents true if sum j can be reachable by choosing i numbers. 5) Initialization of the array. 6) Make for loop i = 0 to (x + y)-1 to determine If p[i][j] is true, that means it is possible to select i numbers from (x + y) numbers to sum upto j. 7) Initialize min_value=INF. 8) Make for loop i = 0 to (MAX * MAX + 1)-1 to Check if a particular sum can be reachable by choosing x numbers. if (p[x][i]) Get the actual sum as we shifted the numbers by 25 to avoid negative indexing in array . 9) Print the min_value. End
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define INF 1e9 #define MAX 25 int MinValue(int a[], int x, int y) { int s= 0; for (int i = 0; i < (x + y); i++) { s+= a[i]; a[i] += 25; } bool p[MAX+1][MAX * MAX + 1]; //Initialize the array to 01. memset(p, 0, sizeof(p)); p[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < (x + y); i++) { // k can be at max x because the // left expression has x numbers for (int k = min(x, i + 1); k >= 1; k--) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX * MAX + 1; j++) { if (p[k - 1][j]) p[k][j + a[i]] = 1; } } } int min_value = INF; for (int i = 0; i < MAX * MAX + 1; i++) { if (p[x][i]) { int tmp = i - 25 * x; min_value = min(min_value, tmp * (s - tmp)); } } cout << "Minimum Value: " << min_value ; } int main() { int x = 2, y = 2; //input is taken of x and y. int ar[] = { 7,6,4,3 }; MinValue(ar, x, y); return 0; }
Minimum Value: 91