इस लेख में, हम समझेंगे कि ग्राफ़ डेटा संरचना को कैसे कार्यान्वित किया जाए। हम ग्राफ़ डेटा संरचना को लागू करते हैं हम हैश मैप संग्रह का उपयोग करके जावा में ग्राफ़ लागू करते हैं। हैश मैप के तत्व की-वैल्यू पेयर के रूप में होते हैं। हम हैश मैप में ग्राफ़ आसन्नता सूची का प्रतिनिधित्व कर सकते हैं।
नीचे उसी का एक प्रदर्शन है -
मान लें कि हमारा इनपुट है -
Number of Vertices: 5 Number of edges: 5
वांछित आउटपुट होगा -
The connections between the nodes of the Graph are: 1 - 2 1 - 3 1 - 4 2 - 4 2 - 5 3 - 4 3 - 5 4 - 5
Step 1 - START Step 2 - Declare an object of a Graph class namely graph_object, two integers in class ‘Edge’ namely source and destination, and two integers in ‘main’ function namely vertices_count, edges_count. Step 3 - Define the values. Step 4 - Initialize values for the vertices and count. Step 5 - Create a new instance of the previously defined class. Step 6 - Initialize the instance with relevant values. Step 7 - Iterate over the instance using a ‘for’ loop, and display the output on the console. Step 8 - Display the result Step 9 - Stop
उदाहरण 1
यहां, हम 'मेन' फंक्शन के तहत सभी ऑपरेशंस को एक साथ बांधते हैं।
public class Graph { class Edge { int source, destination; } int vertices, edges; Edge[] edge; Graph(int vertices, int edges) { this.vertices = vertices; this.edges = edges; edge = new Edge[edges]; for(int i = 0; i < edges; i++) { edge[i] = new Edge(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { int vertices_count = 5; int edges_count = 8; Graph graph_object = new Graph(vertices_count, edges_count); System.out.println("A graph object is defined."); graph_object.edge[0].source = 1; graph_object.edge[0].destination = 2; graph_object.edge[1].source = 1; graph_object.edge[1].destination = 3; graph_object.edge[2].source = 1; graph_object.edge[2].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[3].source = 2; graph_object.edge[3].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[4].source = 2; graph_object.edge[4].destination = 5; graph_object.edge[5].source = 3; graph_object.edge[5].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[6].source = 3; graph_object.edge[6].destination = 5; graph_object.edge[7].source = 4; graph_object.edge[7].destination = 5; System.out.println("The connections between the edges of the Graph are: "); for(int i = 0; i < edges_count; i++) { System.out.println(graph_object.edge[i].source + " - " + graph_object.edge[i].destination); } } }
A graph object is defined. The connections between the edges of the Graph are: 1 - 2 1 - 3 1 - 4 2 - 4 2 - 5 3 - 4 3 - 5 4 - 5
उदाहरण 2
यहां, हम ऑब्जेक्ट-ओरिएंटेड प्रोग्रामिंग को प्रदर्शित करने वाले कार्यों में संचालन को समाहित करते हैं।
public class Graph { class Edge { int source, destination; } int vertices, edges; Edge[] edge; Graph(int vertices, int edges) { this.vertices = vertices; this.edges = edges; edge = new Edge[edges]; for(int i = 0; i < edges; i++) { edge[i] = new Edge(); } } static void print(Graph graph_object,int edges_count){ System.out.println("The connections between the edges of the Graph are: "); for(int i = 0; i < edges_count; i++) { System.out.println(graph_object.edge[i].source + " - " + graph_object.edge[i].destination); } } static void connect_edges(Graph graph_object){ graph_object.edge[0].source = 1; graph_object.edge[0].destination = 2; graph_object.edge[1].source = 1; graph_object.edge[1].destination = 3; graph_object.edge[2].source = 1; graph_object.edge[2].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[3].source = 2; graph_object.edge[3].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[4].source = 2; graph_object.edge[4].destination = 5; graph_object.edge[5].source = 3; graph_object.edge[5].destination = 4; graph_object.edge[6].source = 3; graph_object.edge[6].destination = 5; graph_object.edge[7].source = 4; graph_object.edge[7].destination = 5; } public static void main(String[] args) { int vertices_count = 5; int edges_count = 8; Graph graph_object = new Graph(vertices_count, edges_count); System.out.println("A graph object is defined."); connect_edges(graph_object); print(graph_object, edges_count); } }
A graph object is defined. The connections between the edges of the Graph are: 1 - 2 1 - 3 1 - 4 2 - 4 2 - 5 3 - 4 3 - 5 4 - 5