इस लेख में, हम OpenCV फ़ंक्शन सर्कल () का उपयोग करके एक छवि पर एक वृत्त खींचेंगे।
मूल चित्र
Step 1: Import OpenCV. Step 2: Define the radius of circle. Step 3: Define the center coordinates of the circle. Step 4: Define the color of the circle. Step 5: Define the thickness. Step 6: Pass the above arguments into cv2.circle() along with the image. Step 7: Display the output.
उदाहरण कोड
import cv2 image = cv2.imread('testimage.jpg') radius = 100 center = (350, 175) color = (255,255,0) thickness = 15 image = cv2.circle(image, center, radius, color, thickness) cv2.imshow('Circle', image)