2 महीने से ज़्यादा हो गए हैं उन्हें> Microsoft के के बाद से उन्हें> नवीनतम ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम संस्करण जारी किया गया है और इसके जारी होने से पहले के दिनों और महीनों में भी, Microsoft उन्हें> वास्तव में यह दावा करता रहा है कि यह उभरता हुआ Windows OS है उन्हें> संस्करण अब तक का सबसे अच्छा संस्करण होने जा रहा है! 29 जुलाई में इसकी औपचारिक रिलीज की तारीख के कुछ दिनों बाद उन्हें> इस वर्ष, लाखों उपयोगकर्ता पहले ही इस नवीनतम Windows संस्करण में जा चुके हैं उन्हें> जिसे Windows 8 दोनों में समस्याओं को समाप्त करने वाला कहा जाता है उन्हें> और Windows 8.1 उन्हें> लेकिन संदेहवादी Windows 10 के बारे में क्या कहते हैं उन्हें> कि आप अब तक नहीं जानते होंगे? इस लेख में, हम Windows 10 में पाई जाने वाली कुछ सुविधाओं के बारे में जानेंगे उन्हें> जो नकारात्मक टिप्पणियों और संशयवादियों द्वारा समीक्षाओं का स्रोत बन गया है, इसलिए यदि आप इस नवीनतम Windows ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम संस्करण के बारे में केवल अच्छी बातें जानते हैं उन्हें> लेकिन आपको वास्तव में लगता है कि जब भी आप अपने Windows 10 का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो कुछ गड़बड़ है उन्हें> मशीन तो यह ट्यूटोरियल Microsoft के में अन्यथा अस्पष्ट परिवर्तनों और सुविधाओं पर प्रकाश डाल सकता है उन्हें> उत्कृष्ट कृति जिसे वे "अभी तक की सर्वश्रेष्ठ विंडो" के रूप में ब्रांड करना पसंद करते हैं उन्हें> ! पी> <एच2>1. ऐसा स्टार्ट मेन्यू जो खराब हो गया है
Windows 10 की ब्रांडिंग करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली टैग लाइनों में से एक उन्हें> "प्रारंभ मेनू वापस आ गया है" है उन्हें> ! बहुत से उपयोगकर्ता जिन्होंने वास्तव में इस प्रिय सुविधा की वापसी की उम्मीद की थी, उन्हें मुफ्त विंडोज 10 अपग्रेड के लिए आरक्षित करने के लिए तुरंत आश्वस्त किया गया है। उन्हें> क्योंकि यहप्रारंभ मेनू की वापसी माना जाता है उन्हें> . हालांकि इस बात से इंकार नहीं किया जा सकता है कि इस सुविधा को वास्तव में अपने सही स्थान पर वापस रखा गया है, फिर भी कई लोग इस बात से निराश हैं कि कैसे Microsoft उन्हें> बातें कीं। सबसे पहले, उन्होंने कहा कि प्रारंभ मेनू उन्हें> वापस आ गया है लेकिन Windows 10 में इस पर करीब से नज़र डालते हैं उन्हें> पता चलता है कि अधिकांश लिंक जो उपयोगकर्ता वास्तव में इस महत्वपूर्ण विशेषता पर होना पसंद करते हैं, गायब हैं।
With the advent of the Windows Store उन्हें> which was first introduced in Windows 8 उन्हें> . Users have not really cared about all of the games and other apps that are available in it except of course for those who are gaming addicts and the others who want to try something new. But to most users who just want a pure computer without all the other add-ons, just the Desktop programs उन्हें> and what the traditional side of the Windows OS उन्हें> can offer is enough. Microsoft उन्हें> boasts about the number of contents in the Windows Store उन्हें> being doubled upon the release of Windows 10 उन्हें> but even until now, only a little fraction of the millions who upgraded to Windows 10 उन्हें> really take advantage of modern apps.
Another feature that you might have noticed when you first used Windows 10 उन्हें> are the borders of every Window set as white all over. हाँ! This includes every Window that are active on your computer including those of the modern or universal apps as shown on the screenshot below.
If you’re already using Windows 10 उन्हें> , you would need to say goodbye to configurable Windows Updates उन्हें> because the same feature is now impossible to defer if you are on the basic edition of this newest operating system version called Windows 10 Home उन्हें> . This is really a big draw back when compared to the fully configurable Windows Updates उन्हें> found in all editions of Windows 7 उन्हें> , Windows 8 उन्हें> and Windows 8.1 उन्हें> . This feature is one of the hottest topics right now especially among users who are concerned about the big amount of bandwidth that is used up by Windows Updates उन्हें> in Windows 10 उन्हें> and everything has been conceived when Microsoft उन्हें> decided to offer Windows 10 उन्हें> as a service!
Another sad reality that Windows उन्हें> users had to face in Windows 10 उन्हें> is the removal and permanent phasing out of the Windows Media Center उन्हें> . This feature has been enjoyed for many years in Windows versions उन्हें> such as Windows Vista उन्हें> and Windows 7 उन्हें> but started to become less popular in Windows 8 उन्हें> and Windows 8.1 उन्हें> which seems to be the reason for its phasing out in these operating system editions including on the latest one- Windows 10 उन्हें> .
Another feature that has been removed in Windows 10 उन्हें> which has also been a source of complaints from skeptics is the removal of the Windows Media Player उन्हें> application in it and having it replaced by a universal app called “Movies &TV” उन्हें> . This is seen as a move that is designed to promote the use of modern/universal apps in this latest Windows OS उन्हें> edition but then again, all of the other moves that somewhat contradicts this notion such as the removal of the modern/universal app version of Skype उन्हें> and having the Desktop version उन्हें> of it promoted speaks loud enough for the former to be noticed.
Another problem that skeptics are seeing in Windows 10 उन्हें> are the features that seem to expose private data and other personal stuff. हाँ! there are some features in this latest Windows उन्हें> operating system version that actually send back information to the mothership and the sad thing about it is that Microsoft उन्हें> isn’t communicating well regarding this issue. One more shocking thing is that these features that exposes private data and undermine security cannot be disabled in both the basic Windows edition उन्हें> called Windows 10 Home उन्हें> and the higher edition known as Windows 10 Professional उन्हें> . It is only the Enterprise edition उन्हें> of Windows 10 उन्हें> that offers the option for disabling these telemetry features capable of sending private information to Microsoft उन्हें> .
Aside from the automatic updates that really eat up much of the bandwidth provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) उन्हें> , Microsoft उन्हें> also faces some problems with users who are concerned with their security and privacy with regards to the updates themselves lacking enough information that would describe what they really are for.
If you are upgrading to Windows 10 उन्हें> on an old PC or laptop then you might have encountered problems with drivers. Rather than just letting old drivers work with Windows 10 उन्हें> and provide updates that would make things streamlined with these perfectly working drivers, Microsoft उन्हें> forces old PCs and laptops to get the latest driver version which then causes conflict with the hardware and other problems.
These 9 items उन्हें> only constitute a conservative list of all the issues and problems that skeptics see in Windows 10 उन्हें> and as Microsoft उन्हें> continues to develop this latest Windows OS उन्हें> version, let’s also hope that these things would be resolved. However, there are some who are seeing these things as only the start of more issues to come in future updates. In the past, staying current has really been a need but in Windows 10 उन्हें> , our general advise is to be more vigilant and don’t haste to install any update if you don’t really know what it contains. Do some research first to avoid any future problems caused by features that can expose private data and drivers that can break your otherwise well-conditioned computer. पी> उदाहरण के लिए, आपको अपने वीडियो का लिंक नहीं मिल रहा है उन्हें> , संगीत उन्हें> , तस्वीरें उन्हें> या दस्तावेज़ भी उन्हें> पुस्तकालय जैसा कि Windows XP में हुआ था उन्हें> , विस्टा उन्हें> और Windows 7 उन्हें> . जबकि उन्हें एक ट्वीक का उपयोग करके जोड़ा जा सकता है जो आधुनिक सेटिंग्स विंडो से उपलब्ध है उन्हें> , यदि ये लिंक प्रारंभ मेनू पर आसानी से उपलब्ध हों, तो यह विशेष रूप से नौसिखिए उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए सुविधाजनक होगा उन्हें> उन्हें डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से प्रदर्शित होने से अक्षम करने के बजाय। झुंझलाहट में जोड़ना सभी आकर्षक टाइलें हैं जो वास्तव में सामान्य डेस्कटॉप के लिए उतना अधिक उपयोग नहीं करती हैं उन्हें> उपयोगकर्ता। जैसा कि संशयवादी कहते हैं, Microsoft उन्हें> Windows 10 बनाने में अधिक चिंतित प्रतीत होते हैं उन्हें> अतीत में मौजूद उपयोगी लिंक और शॉर्टकट प्रदान करके उपयोगकर्ताओं को बहुत सहज बनाने के बजाय बाहरी रूप से आकर्षक दिखें। आप नए और बेहतर प्रारंभ मेनू के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं उन्हें> Windows 10 में उन्हें> ? क्या यह आपके लिए एक बेहतर जैसा दिखता है? If you share the same sentiments with all of the other skeptics whom we have gotten this ideas from then please join the movement to flood Microsoft उन्हें> with constructive feedback so they can include changes on this dearly-loved feature on their future updates. पी>
2. Modern Apps are Somewhat Useless
But why is this so? Well, most of the built-in modern apps for instance are just redundant features of the stuff that can already be done using a web browser. Modern apps उन्हें> like “News” उन्हें> , “Calendar” उन्हें> , “Calculator” उन्हें> , “Mail” उन्हें> and many others are not really needed especially by users who prefer to view these things on their favorite browser as what they have been doing ever since. This notion held by skeptics has gained an even stronger ground when Microsoft उन्हें> removed the modern app version of Skype उन्हें> and provided only an app that would provide a link for downloading the Desktop version उन्हें> of this program in the Windows Store उन्हें> . Aside from these obvious observations, Microsoft उन्हें> has also been promoting the Desktop version उन्हें> of the office apps and specified that the mobile versions of it are only for smartphones and tablets that run on variants of the Windows mobile operating systems उन्हें> . पी>
3. The “Always White” Theme
This is not the case back in previous Windows editions उन्हें> like Windows 7 उन्हें> , Windows 8 उन्हें> and Windows 8.1 उन्हें> where you can easily choose a color for the Window borders to make things look more personalized. We don’t really know the reason for this move by Microsoft उन्हें> but it appears that they intentionally didn’t provide any other theme that would offer varying Window border colors so as to lessen the load on system resource. This makes Windows 10 उन्हें> a lot faster than all of the other Windows versions उन्हें> released before it but of course, this innovation still gathered plenty of negative feedback especially from users who want a personal touch on their devices. However, this doesn’t mean that it is already impossible to change the color of the Window border in your Windows 10 उन्हें> machine. You can actually still change it if you want with the use of a system tweak but we don’t recommend that you do it especially if you’re not confident enough about what you are going to do. पी>
4. The Untouchable Windows Updates
This means that the operating system will not get automatic updates just like Android उन्हें> and iOS उन्हें> but the difference is that, users who are on the basic edition would not be able to defer them and the only option that they have is to set their network connection as metered which will also affect the performance of other apps and programs or upgrade to Windows 10 Professional उन्हें> and pay $99 उन्हें> for it in order to unlock the “Defer updates” उन्हें> विकल्प। Now why should this be an area of big concern to you? Well, if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) उन्हें> offers generous bandwidth then you won’t be having problems with all the updates being downloaded and installed to your computer since it won’t cause a sudden decrease in upload and download speeds but if you have an Internet Service Provider (ISP) उन्हें> that implements some strict rule with regards to bandwidth usage and allocation then this Automatic Update उन्हें> is a big problem. Just imagine all of the bandwidth being consumed by large downloads of Windows Updates उन्हें> instead of going to your browsing and surfing activities. It’s like you will be paying only for the Windows Update उन्हें> downloads themselves and less for your personal leisure time. This really is a draw back for Windows 10 उन्हें> especially to those who can’t afford to upgrade to the Professional edition उन्हें> but to Microsoft उन्हें> , it’s a big savings from bandwidth bills and more income from those users who would choose to get Windows 10 Professional उन्हें> by shelling out $99 उन्हें> for the upgrade! Now that’s the greedy side of business being displayed right on our faces! पी>
5. Windows Media Center Removed
But there surely are users who really loved using it which were surely deeply affected by its complete removal from Windows 10 उन्हें> but there are still alternatives that can be downloaded and installed and if you want to get one, just Google उन्हें> the best ones that are freely available from different download servers all around the Internet उन्हें> . पी>
6. Windows Media Player Removed
The removal of the built-in Media Player उन्हें> in Windows 10 उन्हें> seems to be a bearable problem because of the presence of other alternatives which are mostly better than Windows Media Player उन्हें> itself such as VLC उन्हें> and many others but if you really want a machine that runs fully on Microsoft उन्हें> developed products then the missing WMP उन्हें> may become a problem. पी>
7. More Security and Privacy Risks in Windows 10
Topics about these features have already started a host of discussions over the Internet उन्हें> and even in mainstream media but it is quite weird that Microsoft उन्हें> is not doing anything but provide vague explanations as to why these features are there. In fact, they are now pushing forward with these changes and including the telemetry service in updates for Windows 7 उन्हें> and Windows 8.1 उन्हें> despite criticisms. As of writing this article, the only explanation that Microsoft उन्हें> has provided about the features that skeptics really claim to expose private data and increase security risk is this:“By applying this service, you can add benefits from the latest version of Windows to systems that have not yet upgraded” उन्हें> and we have found this short and vague statement from a patch note on an update. Now that’s a ridiculous take on something that is of big concern to millions of Windows उन्हें> उपयोगकर्ता। Microsoft उन्हें> may be getting tons of benefits from the telemetry data that they are collecting but the average Windows 7 उन्हें> , Windows 8.1 उन्हें> and Windows 10 उन्हें> users really has nothing good to take out of this service! पी>
8. The Lack of Patch Notes
The sad thing is that Microsoft उन्हें> has no plans to provide any patch notes to inform users what they are changing by applying the updates that they provide. The company might include these important notes once in a while but only for big changes and updates and another condition is that when they really feel like it. We’ve received information that Microsoft उन्हें> will provide patch notes to Windows 10 Enterprise उन्हें> but that’s basically it! Still no patch notes for Windows 10 Home उन्हें> and Windows 10 Professional उन्हें> उपयोगकर्ता। Windows 10 उन्हें> is being updated by Microsoft उन्हें> on a continuous basis and these updates would contain more than just bugfixes and security patches but also with new features, minor modifications and many more but the sad thing is that Microsoft उन्हें> doesn’t want you to know what is actually being changed so don’t be surprised to see some stuff being moved or other features changing appearance after you apply the latest update on your Windows 10 उन्हें> machine. पी>
9. Mandatory Driver Updates That Cause Problems
It’s like a martial law of driver update especially because there’s no way for users to refuse from updating their drivers. If Microsoft उन्हें> thinks that the latest driver is good for your computer then they would really push you to do it even if it can cause the hardware to malfunction. Even if you install your own driver, Windows Update उन्हें> will just repeatedly install its own drivers over the ones that you have loaded to your computer. Microsoft उन्हें> claims that they still have the “Do you want Windows to download driver software” उन्हें> option in Windows 10 उन्हें> but when we tried it, we were startled with the fact that it actually doesn’t work at all and it’s shocking why the company didn’t really care to remove it which just adds confusion among users. The only way to avoid mandatory driver updates is to get a special tool from Microsoft’s उन्हें> official website but you will still get driver updates when a newer version of them are included in Windows Update उन्हें> . पी>
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